Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Check Out This List

I really like end of year lists; it's one of the good things about dividing our lives up into years.

Here's an interesting variation on the theme - the year's worst album covers, courtesy of the music snobs at Pitchfork.

They're pretty well on target - these are some cheesy album covers.

Pitchfork also did a list of the top 200 songs of the 1960s. I went through and calculated that I have about 47 of them. There were a lot of songs I don't own but are fine music, lots of great Motown, girl-groups, country, etc.

Number one? "God Only Knows" by the Beach Boys. It's a good song, but I don't even think it's the best song off of that album. Still, you can't expect the Pitchfork people to pick something obvious like, say the Beatles "A Day in the Life" (#5) or Aretha Franklin's RESPECT (not in the top 200). But they gave lots of props to the Kinks, so it isn't all bad.



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