Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kath & Kim, #1

The US version of "Kath & Kim" was on TV tonight here in Australia. The story-line was (as in the first American episode of "The Office") identical to the debut of the Australian series, which established the story line: mom falling into a new relationship as spoiled daughter's marriage hits the rocks.

Couple of observations.

First, thumbs up for doing away with the laugh track, one of the single most manipulative, vile inventions from the depraved mind of humanity.

Selma Blair isn't nearly as fat as the Kim played by Gina Riley. Also, her face seems kind of... expressionless.

Molly Shannon seemed OK as Kath, at least for this first episode.

No Sharon. Which for me is OK.

The camera work was disconcerting a bit. Reminded me again (no surprise) of "The Office."

Lots of time in the mall, like the original, and shallow conversation sprinkled with malapropisms.

Verdict: uncertain. It was fine. But I think I'll need to see an episode or two of original scripts to develop a feel. I don't love it like Tom Shales, at least not yet. But I don't hate it, either.



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