Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Orders at a Dinner Party?

This week the ever-lame Sunday Source section of the Washington Post has an article on having a dinner party. It includes a few easy recipes. It also includes a short (all of the Source's articles are short, because the twenty-somethings this section is aimed at can't read a sentence longer than this parenthetical) bit about etiquette for a dinner party by Anne McDonough.

McDonough's pointers include ordering guests what to bring, and ordering guests to stop by the store for some fresh ingredient, and ordering guests to grate cheese and chop onions.

You don't issue orders to "guests", period. If they volunteer to help, fine. If somebody volunteers to bring wine, fine. But you don't ORDER them.

I'm getting cranky.


At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm having a cookout. Could you bring the hamburgers?


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