Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Year's WORST Movies

A funny article here (and here) about some of the very very worst movies of 2007.

Now, I didn't see even ONE of these movies in 2007. Impressed by my incredible discretion and taste in movies? You shouldn't be, I only saw about two 2007 releases the entire year (the Brad Pitt Jesse James flick and the hilarious English buddy cop comedy "Hot Fuzz").

As you look at the list below, ask yourself, "how many of these movies did I see?" If none, congratulate yourself. If one, chalk it up to bad luck. If two, you may want to consider finding the review section of the local newspaper before you drop your hard-earned cash on seeing a flick.

If three or more, you are probably a teenager with far too much money and time on your hands. Or you're a Hollywood producer and you actually thought these dogs were good.

The list:

1. "Because I Said So" (Diane Keeton)
2. "The Number 23" (Jim Carrey)
3. "Premonition" (some horror flick)
4. "The Reaping" (some other horror flick I think)
5. "Good Luck Chuck" (Dana Cook gets bitten by a penguin)
6. "Perfect Stranger" (a confused suspense movie)
7. "License to Wed" (just bad)
8. "Norbit" (Eddie Murphy may have just killed his career)
9. "Daddy Day Camp" (proof that Cuba Gooding's career should
be euthanized)
10. "Happily N'Ever After" (happy to not see it)


At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo hoo! I haven't seen any of these are not a single one is on my list to watch!


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