Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

What Did YOU Leave on the Train?

Feeling like you had a bad day? Bummed out because the weather sucks and your favorite team of professional steroid-popping ath-uh-letes were beaten by another team of professional steroid-popping ath-uh-letes?

Then at least be glad you didn't have the day that Rob Napier had. Napier was on a train ride, then got off and as the train was pulling away, realized he had left something in the luggage rack.

An umbrella? A spare book? A laptop? A briefcase full of his company's personnel files? A birthday present for his wife/girlfriend/mistress?

Nope, a violin.

A violin that belonged to his mother.

A violin made in Venice.

A violin made in 1698.

A violin that is worth $400,000.

Napier called the rail company, but of course the violin was not found on the train. But there's a $20,000 reward for it, so keep your eyes open.



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