Alas, Yorick

A blog about things.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Screw You, Tomato

No, I'm not expressing hostility toward red vegetables ... er, or is the tomato a fruit? Heck, I can't remember.

I am in fact expressing my hostility to a calling card popular in Australia known as Talk Tomato. I bought one a few months ago, and it made calling the US much cheaper. Well, a couple of days ago I went to call the US after not having used the card in a few months -- and the automated woman voice told me my account was $0.01. Huh, says I to myself. So I called again and spoke to a real life woman voice operator type person. She told me that the Talk Tomato card had a little administration fee attached to it. That fee was 12 cents a day (10 cents US).

Every day those bloodsuckers at Talk Tomato took 12 cents in "administration" fees? I think the technical term is "theft". Needless to say, when I bought the card (which is actually a piece of paper with codes on it) there was NOTHING in there about administration fees. Zip. If you burn thru however many dollars you put on the card quickly, it might be a good deal -- the per minute charges were pretty low. But at 12 cents a day, your calls get expensive pretty damn quickly if you don't make calls all the time.

So I'm off of Talk Tomato, and will look for a new card. Screw You, Tomato.


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